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The Manufacturer’s Complete Guide to B2B Commerce

A Shift7 Whitepaper

October 29th, 2021 / Tags: , ,

Here at Shift7, we’ve worked with top-tier B2B organizations and manufacturers for a while. In that time, we’ve noticed a pattern: people poking fun at B2B for being behind the times and taking too long to embrace business-boosting trends.

You could argue there’s truth to that, but we see it differently. For proof, allow us to present the buyer’s cycle.

In B2C, it’s generally less considered and more impulsive. Less cost, lower stakes. B2B, on the other hand, is more considered and calculated. The costs are higher, as are the stakes.

See where we’re going here? B2B is not behind the times, nor is it taking too long to embrace new ways of doing business (ways like B2B Commerce, for example). Rather, B2B businesses collect data, calculate the best course of action, and identify the perfect time to implement new and lucrative systems.

Well, the time is now. B2B buyers are bringing B2C expectations to the party in larger and larger numbers, and crushing your online commerce experience for business users is a near-guaranteed way to bolster brand reputation, loyalty, and revenue.

That’s what we’ll help you do today, so let’s get started. This is your complete guide to B2B Commerce.

Get The Guide

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